Call today to schedule your free talk and get 50% off a private session.

Create Your Confidential Money Map

Do you live paycheck to paycheck?
Is your savings non-existent?
Do you avoid looking at your bills?
Do you say "no" because you can't afford things?
Do you wake up at night worrying about money?

Learn the five kinds of money and why you struggle.  

Uncover hidden programming that limits your earnings.
Discover how your nervous system is wired around money.
Learn about the mind-body-money connection that keeps you stuck &
the mind-body tool to free yourself and transform your paradigm.

Gather a group of six or more people to meet in person or online.
Call me to schedule a free talk today.


A past participant writes:
"I really do feel excited to work smarter, not harder...and actually can envision the money flowing in! Thanks!"