Homeopathy For Colds, Flu & First Aid - Sign Up Now
This course is for you...
- If you want to trust your instincts with what's best for you and your family's health.
- If you want to explore homeopathy as a safe, effective and gentle method of healing.
- If you want to make an impact on the health of yourself and your loved ones.
- If you want to place less reliance on over the counter and prescription medications.
- If you are worried about the opioid epidemic and want to learn about a safe alternative.
- If you know about the mind - body connection and want to treat your family holistically.
- If you find yourself questioning the current medical system but aren't sure where to turn.
Homeopathy For Colds, Flu & First Aid
How's this going to work?
- You will learn the basic principles of homeopathy and how to use it for acute ailments.
- You will learn about true healing takes place on the deepest levels first.
- You will learn to hone your skills in understanding illness and well being.
- Each week we will discuss three commonly used remedies to understand their application.
- Starting Monday, February 5th through March 18th, 2024 from 6:30-8:00 PM. I will use Zoom to bring you 6 weekly lessons, assignments and host Q & A.
Every session will be recorded so if you miss one you can catch the replay.
As a registered nurse, I understand the dangers of pharmaceutical medications. Homeopathy is used world wide and is known for being a safe and effective alternative. Homeopathy has helped me do what is best for my family. I want to teach the world about the benefits of homeopathy.
Homeopathy For Colds, Flu & First Aid Course includes:
- Mondays, February 5 - March 18
- 6 weekly online lessons, 1.5 hours in length
- Classes will be recorded, in case you miss one.
- Class texts are "Everybody's Guide To Homeopathic Medicines" by Stephen Cummings, FN and Dana Ullman, MPH and "Homeopathic Self-Care, The Quick and Easy Guide..." by Robert Ulmann, ND and Judyth Reichenberg Ullman, ND.
- These books may be ordered online. Used is fine. Please order them today.
The cost:
Sign up, early bird pricing is only $167. After January 31st the rate increases to $197.
I know first hand the struggles of being a mom and wanting to do right by my family. After repeated visits to doctor's offices for my son's ear infections, and no results, I knew there had to be a better way and there is. Since learning how to use homeopathy, we rarely need to see a doctor. I am so glad I questioned the status quo.
Let me show you how you can use homeopathy for yourself, your loved ones and your pets.
Are you ready to step outside the box to do what's best for yourself and your family's health? Let me show you how to use safe effective homeopathy. Don't delay, sign up today!